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Complete Guide to Loan Officer Business Planning

At APM, we set aside time every year for strategic planning on how we’re going to succeed in the coming year, and we encourage all mortgage loan officers to do the same. The more intentional we are with what we want to accomplish, the more likely we are to achieve our goals. In a rapidly changing ...

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The Importance of Loan Officer Business Planning

Let’s be honest: 2023 was a year many mortgage loan originators would like to forget. But looking back at your business performance—the positives as well as the negatives—can help you plan more effectively for the year ahead. Of course, many factors are out of a mortgage loan officer’s control, ...

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How to Achieve Work-Life Balance as a Loan Officer

Bringing balance to your career and personal life can make you happier, healthier, and more successful. Achieving a good work-life balance can be a challenge for mortgage loan originators, who often work around the schedules of their clients and referral partners. The focus on generating new leads, ...

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The Secrets to Building a Mortgage Team

It’s no secret that building a team of mortgage professionals is just about the best thing you can do to scale your business. A strong team is key to increasing your volume and taking more loan applications and ultimately serving more customers. Done right, it’s a scalable model that can pay huge ...

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6 Mortgage Sales Strategies to Capture New Customers

As the housing market changes, mortgage loan officers must adapt by implementing new sales strategies to stay top of mind with clients. Below are APM’s top sales strategies to help you grow your mortgage business in today's market. 1. Use Data and Analytics to Create Opportunities. The great thing ...

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Loan Officer Marketing to Gen Z Home Buyers

As Generation Z enters young adulthood, they become prime potential clients for your mortgage business. Learn who Gen Z is, where they are in their financial journey, and some best practices for loan officer marketing to the next generation of homebuyers. Who Is Gen Z? There are baby boomers, then ...

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How to Market to Realtors as a Loan Officer

As a loan officer, you know how important realtors are to the success of your mortgage career and business. But if they don’t know who you are, they won’t be able to send business your way. Here are the best ways to make sure realtors know who you are and some ways you can help their clients. ...

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Goal-Setting Tips for Loan Officers—Develop a 90-Day Plan

APM has a long history of setting time aside each year, and throughout the year to plan and create a path for success. We believe that the more intentional we are about what we want to accomplish, the more likely it is that we’ll achieve our goals. We also believe that in a rapidly changing ...

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​​​​​​Midyear Mortgage Loan Officer Business Planning

At APM we say, “We’re 100% focused on making our branches and loan originators look good.” One of the ways we do that is by providing business planning resources, along with opportunities to reset throughout the year. We’re passionate about business planning and know that it’s fundamental to ...

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Loan Officer Video Marketing 101

Video marketing can be an effective tool for a mortgage loan officer to grow their business. Sharing informative video content can promote your mortgage company and position you as a trusted expert on mortgage lending and the home loan process. You should invest in some basic equipment that can ...

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How to Market to Realtors as a Loan Officer
How to Market to Realtors as a Loan Officer
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Top 6 Loan Officer Strategies to Grow Your Customer Base
Top 6 Loan Officer Strategies to Grow Your Customer Base
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5 Ways to Stand Out as a Mortgage Loan Officer in 2024
5 Ways to Stand Out as a Mortgage Loan Officer in 2024
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5 Ways to Avoid Burnout as a Loan Officer
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How to Get Mortgage Referrals and Build a Referral Network
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