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Loan Officer Video Marketing 101

Video marketing can be an effective tool for a mortgage loan officer to grow their business. Sharing informative video content can promote your mortgage company and position you as a trusted expert on mortgage lending and the home loan process.

loan officer video marketing

You should invest in some basic equipment that can help you feel confident behind the camera, like a video stand, good lighting, and a mic. Then decide on what types of videos you want to produce, and pick which platforms to share them on.

Learn all you need to know below to get started on your loan officer video marketing strategy.

Types of Video

There are different forms of video used for marketing, and each has its purpose:

  • Short-form videos require less production and work well for Instagram and Facebook Reels.
  • Longer, more informative videos could be a good fit on your YouTube video channel.
  • Live-streaming allows you to interact with viewers, making it an excellent format for a live Q&A session.
  • A vlog is a type of blog post where most or all of the content is in a video format.
  • Podcasting is when you produce multiple episodes, all relating to a specific topic or theme.

Set the Scene

All videos are not created equal, and often this comes down to production. You are a professional, so make sure your mortgage marketing videos convey that.

This starts with choosing the right background. A tidy office space works great. You can sit at your desk with a few strategically placed items behind you, like neatly organized files, a small stack of books, or an award.

If you’d rather stand, a bookshelf with similar items works just as well. Turn off or cover any lighting positioned behind you, close the blinds, and turn off any desk lamps.

Next you want to work on framing. If you’re using a smartphone, tap the forward-facing camera to see what your shot looks like.

The typical rule is to shoot from mid-chest up, with a little room to spare on the sides. You want to take up two-thirds of the frame, not the whole frame. Sound-wise, lavalier microphones (the ones you see news broadcasters wearing) are cheap enough, but you can also use wireless headphones.

Talking Points for Mortgage Loan Originators

Settle on a theme for your video, whether it’s breaking down the home loan application process or discussing a specific product or trend. After that, you’ll want to get your talking points in order. Jot down three major takeaways for viewers and build from there.

Your takeaways should motivate a potential borrower to reach out and make that appointment with you. So be sure to end each video with a clear call to action that tells the viewer how to contact you.

Be Yourself

Show your authentic self in your videos, and don’t try to be someone you’re not. If you’re known for putting customers at ease due to your confident, knowledgeable nature, let that come through. If you have a casual, laid-back attitude, then portray that.

You’ll be more comfortable in front of the camera if you can just be yourself. It’s a lot harder to try to portray something—or someone—that doesn’t come naturally.

Practice Makes Perfect

There is no “right” way to film a video when it comes to mortgage marketing. Some feel better talking off the cuff. Meanwhile, others like to memorize a short script or use a teleprompter app. The best strategy is the one that works for you.

Practice before hitting Record, and shoot as many takes as needed. You want to put your best foot forward, which rarely happens on the first try.

Edit for Excellence

Try different video editors until you find one that’s easy to master. Some platforms—like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Shorts—allow you to edit right on the platform you’re using to create the video.

You can also edit on your phone using a video editing app like iMovie (for iPhone users) or any other free, downloadable editing app.

Canva is great for editing professional videos from your browser. It’s a free drag-and-drop editor that allows you to work with transitions, animations, designer fonts, an audio library, and more.

Broadcasting to the Masses

You should have some ideas on how to create a video and edit it. Now it’s time to make sure potential customers, real estate agent partners, and referral partners see it.

To get your video in front of as many viewers as possible, share it through your social media channels; email marketing lists; and sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia. Also post it on your Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages.

Speaking of social media, YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, TikTok, and Snapchat offer an entirely new way to interact with your audience. These formats allow you to respond directly to publicly posted comments and questions.

Learning social media video platforms takes time, and you don’t want to bite off more than you can chew. If you’re just beginning, start with one form of video and share it on a couple of platforms, instead of trying them all at once.

Hire Help for Video Marketing

Video marketing can attract new leads, but it can also take time away from closing your current deals. Coming up with content ideas, producing, and posting your mortgage marketing videos across multiple platforms may require some support. So consider hiring a video marketing pro for help in developing and executing your video marketing strategy. That might be a contractor, agency, or employee.

If you’re looking for fresh content ideas for your videos, click here. And if you’d like more strategies on how to grow your business with video marketing, click here.


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